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The Science of CFS: Past, Present and Future

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#1 Zac


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Inviato 02 dicembre 2008 - 15:10:57

Link news:

The Science of CFS: Past, Present and Future

A free webinar presentation by Suzanne Vernon, PhD, and Kimberly McCleary

May 28, 2008

More than 200 people participated in this live online presentation by CFIDS Association scientific director Suzanne Vernon, PhD and CFIDS Association president & CEO Kim McCleary. Below are links to a media file of the presentation that you can see and hear for yourself.

Learn what research has already uncovered about CFS and how it affects the human body. Discover what’s happening now in the field of CFS research. Hear what Vernon and the Association envision as the next steps on the path to discovery, and find out how The Campaign to Accelerate CFS Research is designed to build the capacity of the scientific community all over the world to find the answers underlying this complex illness.

Click here to watch the webinar “The Science of CFS: Past, Present and Future” with video2Windows Media player.

Link Video:


"In medicina tutto quello che è sconosciuto è malattia mentale" (...)
"Una delle malattie più diffuse è la diagnosi." (Karl Kraus)

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