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Inviato 02 dicembre 2007 - 12:35:07

Cruelty of chronic fatigue

Robyn Riley
Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 12:01am

IN 1993, champion footballer Alastair Lynch had the world at his feet. He had signed with the Brisbane Lions in what was believed to be Australian football’s first million-dollar contract. His future seemed secure.

A year later, Lynch was ``living a nightmare’’ with chronic fatigue syndrome.
New research suggests this serious and debilitating illness may be caused by chronic over-stimulation of an increasingly dysfunctional immune system.
Lynch, in his book, Taking Nothing for Granted: From Chronic Fatigue to the MCG, the triple premiership player says CFS changed his life, and beating it was his greatest victory.

Lynch woke one day in September 1994 and could not lift himself out of bed. For weeks doctors said he had a virus, but after six months of ``going nowhere’’ Lynch pushed for more tests in Melbourne and was diagnosed with the syndrome.

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