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biomedical test for ME/cfs

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#1 vivolenta


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Inviato 22 gennaio 2009 - 10:38:18

Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS
Upper Weston
http://www.theonecli...t... CFS ME.pdf
20 January 2009

The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine has published on line details of a biochemical test which measures energy supply to cells and therefore fatigue levels in people with Chronic Fatigues Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). For treating the fatigue of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, doctors have been hampered by the lack of a good test. This scientific paper clearly shows that the fatigue of CFS/ME is a symptom of mitochondrial dysfunction. Dr Myhill, one of the authors of the paper, says “This test represents a huge breakthrough in the diagnosis and management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis."

L'International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine ha pubblicato on line i dettagli di un test biochimico che misura l'approvvigionamento energetico del corpo, le cellule e di conseguenza i livelli di fatica cronica persone con Sindrome di Fatigues / Myalgic Encefalomielite (CFS / ME).

Questa carta scientifica dimostra chiaramente che la fatica di CFS / ME è un sintomo di disfunzione mitocondriale

Messaggio modificato da vivolenta, 22 gennaio 2009 - 12:29:13

Meglio cinghiale che pecora

#2 akela


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Inviato 22 gennaio 2009 - 11:12:24

Dr Sarah Myhill MB BS
Upper Weston
http://www.theonecli...t... CFS ME.pdf
20 January 2009
The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine has published on line details of a biochemical test which measures energy supply to cells and therefore fatigue levels in people with Chronic Fatigues Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). For treating the fatigue of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, doctors have been hampered by the lack of a good test. This scientific paper clearly shows that the fatigue of CFS/ME is a symptom of mitochondrial dysfunction. Dr Myhill, one of the authors of the paper, says “This test represents a huge breakthrough in the diagnosis and management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis."
L'International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine ha pubblicato on line i dettagli di un test biochimico che misura l'approvvigionamento energetico del corpo, le cellule e di conseguenza i livelli di fatica cronica persone con Sindrome di Fatigues / Myalgic Encefalomielite (CFS / ME).

Questa carta scientifica dimostra chiaramente che la fatica di CFS / ME è un sintomo di disfunzione mitocondriale

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Se è vero qualcuno che ha parenti avvocati potrebbe fare causa allo stato per il mancato riconoscimento della malattia, o magari una class action.

#3 vivolenta


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Inviato 22 gennaio 2009 - 11:24:18


adenosine triphosphate
forma di energia presente negli organismi composta da un nucleoside con zucchero di ribosio e tre fosfati (Biologia)

L'Adenosintrifosfato o ATP è un ribonucleotide trifosfato formato da una base azotata, cioè l'adenina, dal ribosio, che è uno zucchero pentoso, e da tre gruppi fosfato. È uno dei reagenti necessari per la sintesi dell'RNA, ma soprattutto è una sostanza-chiave per il metabolismo energetico. Esso viene idrolizzato ad ADP (adenosindifosfato), che viene riconvertito in ATP mediante vari processi.


Messaggio modificato da vivolenta, 22 gennaio 2009 - 12:00:22

Meglio cinghiale che pecora

#4 vivolenta


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Inviato 24 gennaio 2009 - 10:11:25

akela, quella su è del gennaio 2009 e poi ci sono pure quelle indicate nel forum
vedere 10 scoperte biologiche in conoscere cfs
in realtà 1997:

Biochemical evidence for a novel low molecular weight 2-5A-dependent RNase L in chronic fatigue syndrome. PMID: 9243369
Suhadolnik RJ, Peterson DL, O'Brien K, Cheney PR, Herst CV, Reichenbach NL, Kon N, Horvath SE, Iacono KT, Adelson ME, De Meirleir K, De Becker P, Charubala R, Pfleiderer W.
Department of Biochemistry, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated a statistically significant dysregulation in several key components of the 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase/RNase L and PKR antiviral pathways in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (Suhadolnik et al. Clin Infect Dis 18, S96-104, 1994; Suhadolnik et al. In Vivo 8, 599-604, 1994). Two methodologies have been developed to further examine the upregulated RNase L activity in CFS. First, photoaffinity labeling of extracts of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with the azido 2-5A photoaffinity probe, [32P]pApAp(8-azidoA), followed by immunoprecipitation with a polyclonal antibody against recombinant, human 80-kDa RNase L and analysis under denaturing conditions. A subset of individuals with CFS was identified with only one 2-5A binding protein at 37 kDa, whereas in extracts of PBMC from a second subset of CFS PBMC and from healthy controls, photolabeled/immunoreactive 2-5A binding proteins were detected at 80, 42, and 37 kDa. Second, analytic gel permeation HPLC was completed under native conditions. Extracts of healthy control PBMC revealed 2-5A binding and 2-5A-dependent RNase L enzyme activity at 80 and 42 kDa as determined by hydrolysis of poly(U)-3'-[32P]pCp. A subset of CFS PBMC contained 2-5A binding proteins with 2-5A-dependent RNase L enzyme activity at 80, 42, and 30 kDa. However, a second subset of CFS PBMC contained 2-5A binding and 2-5A-dependent RNase L enzyme activity only at 30 kDa. Evidence is provided indicating that the RNase L enzyme dysfunction in CFS is more complex than previously reported.
RNase L Levels in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: 37-Kilodalton/83-Kilodalton Isoform Ratio Is a Potential Test for Chronic Fatigue SyndromeKiet Phong Tiev,1* Edith Demettre,2 Philippe Ercolano,1 Lionel Bastide,2 Bernard Lebleu,2 and Jean Cabane1
Service de Médecine Interne, Hôpital Saint Antoine, 75571 Paris Cedex 12,1 UMR 5124 CNRS, Université Montpellier 2, 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5, France2

MA quando nn c'è la volontà...o ci sono interessi che le cose restino cosi..

Messaggio modificato da vivolenta, 24 gennaio 2009 - 11:57:01

Meglio cinghiale che pecora

#5 akela


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Inviato 24 gennaio 2009 - 13:06:18

akela, quella su è del gennaio 2009 e poi ci sono pure quelle indicate nel forum
vedere 10 scoperte biologiche in conoscere cfs
in realtà 1997:

Biochemical evidence for a novel low molecular weight 2-5A-dependent RNase L in chronic fatigue syndrome. PMID: 9243369
Suhadolnik RJ, Peterson DL, O'Brien K, Cheney PR, Herst CV, Reichenbach NL, Kon N, Horvath SE, Iacono KT, Adelson ME, De Meirleir K, De Becker P, Charubala R, Pfleiderer W.
Department of Biochemistry, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Previous studies from this laboratory have demonstrated a statistically significant dysregulation in several key components of the 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase/RNase L and PKR antiviral pathways in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (Suhadolnik et al. Clin Infect Dis 18, S96-104, 1994; Suhadolnik et al. In Vivo 8, 599-604, 1994). Two methodologies have been developed to further examine the upregulated RNase L activity in CFS. First, photoaffinity labeling of extracts of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with the azido 2-5A photoaffinity probe, [32P]pApAp(8-azidoA), followed by immunoprecipitation with a polyclonal antibody against recombinant, human 80-kDa RNase L and analysis under denaturing conditions. A subset of individuals with CFS was identified with only one 2-5A binding protein at 37 kDa, whereas in extracts of PBMC from a second subset of CFS PBMC and from healthy controls, photolabeled/immunoreactive 2-5A binding proteins were detected at 80, 42, and 37 kDa. Second, analytic gel permeation HPLC was completed under native conditions. Extracts of healthy control PBMC revealed 2-5A binding and 2-5A-dependent RNase L enzyme activity at 80 and 42 kDa as determined by hydrolysis of poly(U)-3'-[32P]pCp. A subset of CFS PBMC contained 2-5A binding proteins with 2-5A-dependent RNase L enzyme activity at 80, 42, and 30 kDa. However, a second subset of CFS PBMC contained 2-5A binding and 2-5A-dependent RNase L enzyme activity only at 30 kDa. Evidence is provided indicating that the RNase L enzyme dysfunction in CFS is more complex than previously reported.
RNase L Levels in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: 37-Kilodalton/83-Kilodalton Isoform Ratio Is a Potential Test for Chronic Fatigue SyndromeKiet Phong Tiev,1* Edith Demettre,2 Philippe Ercolano,1 Lionel Bastide,2 Bernard Lebleu,2 and Jean Cabane1
Service de Médecine Interne, Hôpital Saint Antoine, 75571 Paris Cedex 12,1 UMR 5124 CNRS, Université Montpellier 2, 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5, France2
MA quando nn c'è la volontà...o ci sono interessi che le cose restino cosi..

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Una associazione di pazienti europea - oppure basterebbe coordinarsi tra le varie associazioni - potrebbe portare la questione a Strasburgo, davanti alla Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo, forse.
Comunque una causa allo Stato per per violazione del diritto alla salue dell'individuo ex art. 32 Cost. la si può fare. Se le cose non arrivano davanti a un tribunale non si risolve niente. Possibile che tra i malati di cfs non ci sia qualcuno con le competenze giuridiche necessarie?

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