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Esme Think Tank Panel: Call To Ban Me/cfs

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#1 Zac


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Posted 05 May 2010 - 11:40:08

ESME Think Tank Panel: Call to Ban ME/CFS- blood Donations in Europe

The Canadian, Australian and British governments have all banned ME/CFS patients from donating blood. We, the Think Tank panel of ESME, applaud their actions and believe that a similar ban should be issued in all European countries.

ME/CFS patients should be banned from donating blood for two reasons. The first is to protect the patients: ME/CFS causes a large range of symptoms which could be made worse by donating blood. The second reason is to ensure the safety of the blood supply. The causes of ME/CFS are not fully understood, but it has recently been connected to a new retrovirus: XMRV.

A study from the Whittemore Peterson Institute detected the XMRV retrovirus in over 95% of the more than 200 ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and atypical MS patients tested. XMRV closely resembles the HIV virus and is thought to be transmitted in similar ways - through bodily fluids such as blood, semen, and breast milk.

Until the connection between XMRV and ME/CFS is fully understood, it is advisable to prohibit blood donations from these patients.

It is important to act now as tainted blood may already be spreading ME/CFS in the population. There are documented cases of onset occurring directly after blood transfusions.


We encourage you to contact your government officials and ask them to ban ME/CFS patients from donating blood.

See more:


UK: http://www.meassociation.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1217:question-in-parliament-people-with-me-and-blood-donation&catid=30:news&Itemid=161

USA: http://www.aabb.org/Content/News_and_Media/Statements/statement021710.htm


New Zealand: http://www.allvoices.com/s/event-5652481

ESME Think Tank Panel Doctors:

Prof. Dr. Med. Kenny De Meirleir

Prof. Dr. Bodil Norrild

PD Dr. Liv Bode

Prof. Dr. Hanns Ludwig

Dr. Med. Derek Enlander

Prof. Dr. Med. Umberto Tirelli

Prof. Dr. Med. Ola Didrik Saugstad

Prof. Dr. Med. Babill Stray-Pedersen

Dr. Med. Ana Garcia Quintana

Dr. Med. Mette Johnsgaard


"In medicina tutto quello che è sconosciuto è malattia mentale" (...)
"Una delle malattie più diffuse è la diagnosi." (Karl Kraus)

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