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Nuova Influenza E Pazienti Me

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Posted 22 July 2009 - 12:48:25

Da parte della nostra amica inglese, tratto da una confernza organizzata da Invest In Me in cui si è parlato della nuova influenza ed i pazienti ME:

In Belgium, a "Flu Committee" has been established with Marc van Ranst - a virologist - as head of this committee. Unfortunately, he is linked to the university of Leuven, where ME is thought of as psychosomatic. In Belgium, the latest policy is to keep the infected people who are moderately ill at home without medication. Until recently patients were treated with viral inhibitors, but this has become too expensive. Only the elderly, babies, the chronically ill and people with impaired immunity (!) will receive medication. So a contradiction there.
The Belgian government treats ME as a psychosomatic illness without impaired immunity so the fear is that pwme will not receive any medication either. The fear is that only ME patients who are recognized as chronically ill will receive treatment.

In Denmark, which currently has relatively few cases, the health authorities have expressed a wish for a nationwide vaccination programme - just in case.
Denmark has no policy regarding the vaccination of ME patients but it is left to each and every single patients to choose for themselves if they want it or not.
Throughout the years in various ways ME-patients have been informed about the risks of vaccination by the knowledgeable patient groups, so most of them will be careful. Vaccination is a free choice in Denmark, as the law says that no patient can be forced to accept a treatment. People with ME do not feel comfortable with this as some feel the health authorities will certainly try putting pressure on people and try to force them into being vaccinated. They will not, however, force sick people to accept a vaccination.
The policy for those who contract the illness is to tell them to stay at home, take TAMIFLU if prescribed, drink a lot, rest a lot and keep a high personal hygiene.

In Spain people are concerned because Spain has the second highest number of H1N1 cases after the UK in Europe. People with ME, are especially concerned because of hypoimmunity and are likely to be more vulnerable. There are people with ME right now in Spain, who have all the signs of having Influenza A but are not being tested for it because, it is thought, the health system, which already does not want to deal with ME patients properly (th ere is a two and a half year waiting list to see a ME doctor), does not want an avalanche of people with ME. There is also a lack of leadership on this issue. No one wishes to talk about it or deal with the issue. Doctors in Spain are hoping that pwme will not be too severely hit and, to those who probably have it now, they advise to stay home and rest (which is the standard response for any situation)...and see.

Fonte: Invest In Me
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